Oh em gee – it’s our 20th birthday!

March 29, 2023

The secret is out – we have reached the big two-oh!

Hey, if you’ve been with us since the early days, you might recall that we first traded as Pixel Design & Print Services and also used to be a branch of printing.com.

The story of us…

Back in the old days before we traded as Nettl of Kidderminster, our director Dan was a one-man army, juggling mostly design and print projects with the odd website here and there in the tiniest office in the world in good old Margaret Thatcher House, Kidderminster – good times ey?!


As the years went on, and as our workload started piling up, we knew it was time to bring on an extra pair of creative hands. And we hit the jackpot when Linzi joined our team in 2011! Not only did she eventually take on the role of being our Studio Manager, but she packed and brought her contagious ‘positive vibes only’ energy to the office, lifting the mood even on the most challenging of days.


We don’t mean to brag, but our growth has been pretty solid! In the following years we had a few apprentices and then in 2019, we welcomed Leets to our family. Now she’s one of our main creative designers at the studio with a mild coffee addiction. But our growth didn’t stop there, we kept on going…


In September 22, Meg joined the team and has been killing it as a designer, contributing her talented skillset to some of our biggest projects. She’s basically part of the furniture now.

So that’s the story of when 1 became 4 (+2 doggies). So, enough chitchat, let’s get to the good part – the par-tay! By the way, believe us when we say we are NOT just celebrating for one day, nope. We are dragging out our birthday allllllllllll year long *insert evil laugh*!

Where we are now…
How we started…

Par-tay deets

Come on, you can’t have a birthday without a party right? And let’s face it, it’s a bit late to go back on ourselves now – our birthday plans are in full swing! We’re gearing up to host a very special gathering with some of the closest people who have contributed massively to our business’s growth. It’s going to be one memorable year for us!

Here’s what you can expect on the day:

  • Welcome Drinks
  • Speeches
  • Fun & Games
  • Photo Opportunities
  • Food Provided
  • Music & Vibes
  • Charity Fundraising
  • Cake!

We can’t reveal too much yet about our upcoming birthday bash but believe us it’s been sooo hard not to spill the beans on our Insta story. But if you follow us on social media, we might let you in on a few sneaky slips about our party planning. We‘re going all out to make this a truly special celebration for our Director Dan who started this business 20 years ago all by himself and got it to where it’s today – cheers to that!

If you would like to come and celebrate our birthday, please register your interest by emailing us via the button below. We have limited spaces available, so we encourage you to get in touch as soon as possible to avoid missing the fun!

Supporting charities

Honestly speaking, the last couple of years have been difficult for most people on a person level. To show support to our local community, we want to use our platform for a greater cause and give back to the charities that are near and dear to our hearts by raising as much money and awareness as we can. Let’s make a difference together!

We will be supporting many great causes throughout the year, but two of the main charities include:

  • Forest Dog Rescue
  • Cancer Research

Forest Dog Rescue Support

Two of our team members have found their forever furry friends at Forest Dog Rescue. This incredible local charity relies entirely on donations to provide essential care, food and shelter to abandoned or mistreated dogs. In a show of support, we’ll be making a £100 donation to start with, and organised sponsored dog walks through this year. If you are able to contribute using the link below we’d be grateful for your donation via our GoFundMe link below. Additionally, if you are a local, we welcome you to drop off any supplies such as dog food, toys, blankets, treats, and beds at our studio.

Cancer Research Support

Cancer is a devastating disease that affects most of us, including our friends and families around the world. In an effort to make a positive impact, we’re excited to participate in a Race for Life 5K Pretty Muddy Event this summer to raise funds for cancer research. Our goal is to support families affected by cancer and those undergoing diagnosis and treatment. We invite you to contribute to this incredible cause by donating as little or as much as you can via the link provided below.

Milo (Dan’s Pup)
Benz (Leets’ Pup)

Thank you

We are honestly so grateful to all of those who have been a part of our journey from the very start and contributed to our success, enabling us to celebrate this massive milestone. We extend our gratitude to our past, current and new clients for making this journey such an unforgettable and fun experience. We are so excited to see where the next 20 years take us, and the prospect of transforming and contributing to the growth of other businesses that we meet along the way.

Let’s cheers to us and another amazing 20 years!

Need help with your website presence?

Talk to us about how we can help!

Fancy a Coffee?

We love meeting new people, learning about different businesses & their industries. Maybe we could start a project together?

6 + 3 =
